

Conservation Voltage Reduction Benefits Analysis

With rising peak demand charges and increasing capacity challenges at the grid edge, utilities are pressed more than ever to manage end-use consumption. However, utilities can discover their savings potential with OATI webDistribute CVR by requesting a complimentary Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR) Benefits Analysis.

CVR is the deliberate and active control of electrical network devices to reduce consumption through voltage changes on the network. It can be performed either as a peak shaving event or on a continuous basis to reduce peak demand or total energy consumption. In doing so, utilities can achieve significant voltage reductions and lower peak demand charges, thereby enjoying deep savings while still keeping within American National Standards Institute (ANSI) voltage standards.

Utilities have always sought ways to reliably achieve voltage reductions to help reduce the strain on their distribution networks, shave peak energy demand, and improve power quality for their customers while achieving considerable savings. Before the arrival of advanced voltage reduction methods, distribution system operators manually conducted CVR and with very limited observable data. These methods were largely undetectable and produced minimal savings.

With technological advances, utilities are now able to achieve savings of 2 – 4% with CVR. For many utilities yet to deploy advanced voltage reductions, they question—and rightly so—whether the savings achieved at the end of the investment in new CVR software solution will be worth their time and effort. Some even wonder how they’ll achieve advanced CVR without newer utility capabilities/technologies such as AMIs or SCADA. These are important questions that utilities need to address before launching a new CVR system.

This is where OATI can help. OATI understands the unique challenges grid operators face based on the characteristics of their topology and the need for approval of new ventures from executive boards and regulators. Even if utilities don’t have AMIs or SCADA, OATI offers GridControl, a scalable, integrated hardware and software solution that provides secure connectivity to distribution grid assets and enables the attainment of advanced voltage reduction goals.
With all of this in mind, OATI created a benefits analysis process that is unparalleled within the industry. The analysis provides stakeholders a sneak peek of their potential savings with the unique OATI CVR process, and helps them make an informed decision about their utility’s future.
So why choose OATI’s CVR approach?

The OATI software solution, webDistribute CVR, is a highly effective demand reduction operational tool which maximizes distribution grid efficiencies without discernable impact for end-consumers. Some additional benefits include:

  • Reduced demand charges.
  • Enhanced system observability (high/low voltage).
  • Improved load balancing across phases.
  • Improved power quality/better customer service.
  • Reduced peak load and annual energy of approximately 0.5% – 4%, depending on the specific feeder.
  • Reduced voltage of 3%-6%, depending on specific feeder.

Once requested, OATI can produce a demand reduction benefits analysis to evaluate the amount of annual savings that are available, based on each utility’s unique situation. The OATI benefits analysis is customized to each utility’s topology, business rules, integration requirements, and communication protocols with OATI webDistribute, and any other grid devices.
What are you waiting for? Get your free, complimentary benefits analysis today!
Interested in discovering how much your utility company can potentially save with OATI? Click here to fill out a request form.
Want to learn more about the Wake Electric Case Study and how OATI webDistribute CVR helped them save thousands of dollars a month? Click here!
If you need more information and/or help regarding CVR benefit analysis and other OATI DR/DERs solutions, email to get expert advice.