The Most Trusted Name in Energy
Orchestrating the Energy Transition
Innovative Best-in-Class CTRM
Deepest Reliability Experience
OATI’s solutions provide the most extensive functionality in the energy industry
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OATI hosted the GridWise Architecture Counsel (GWAC), featuring Chris Irwin of the U.S. Department of Energy, April 16 – 18, 2024, at the OATI Microgrid Technology Center.

The 2024 OATI Energy Conference
Join OATI at the largest customer Energy Conference in North America, October 23-25, at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada.
"One of the key deliverables that OATI provides is outstanding customer service demonstrated through the responsiveness and diligence of its employees."
- Vice President of Transmission, NV Energy
“APS wanted a trading system that could respond quickly and seamlessly to regulatory changes.”
– Term Trade, Arizona Public Service
"OATI has been an excellent collaborative partner, providing solutions for SMUD for nearly 20 years."
– Program Manager, Scheduling & Interchange Services, SMUD
“OATI’s broad industry experience was a determining factor in EPB’s choice.”
– Smart Grid Manager, Electric Power Board of Chattanooga
“OATI listens to the needs of the users.”
– Compliance Specialist, Great River Energy
"OATI DERMS is integral to our success in our Distribution-Operator initiative. The tools it provides enables out team to continue to transform the grid."
– Senior Vice President, Energy Delivery, NCEMC
“OATI’s tools have changed our business practices. Now everything is more streamlined.”
– Energy Applications Manager, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc.
“OATI was not the most inexpensive option, but the value you get is directly related to the complexity of the system.”
– Manager of Engineering, Wake Electric Changing How Energy is Managed Orchestrating the Energy Transition Solving Your Challenges