
OATI Expert Selected for Panel Presentation at Upcoming FERC Technical Conference

OATI is pleased to announce that Dr. Ali Ipakchi, Executive Vice President, has been selected to present on Panel 7 of the upcoming Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Distributed Energy Resources – Technical Considerations for the Bulk Power Systems Conference in Washington, D.C. on April 10 – 11, 2018. This conference includes discussions on the effects of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) on the bulk power system and a determination on the action the Commission would take on the DER reforms proposed by its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR). Additional OATI executives will also be in attendance at the conference.

OATI submitted comments on the FERC NOPR of November 17, 2016, many of which have been deferred to the Technical Conference on FERC Order 841. OATI feels clarifying these issues and informing FERC Technical Workshop participants about recent technological advances in grid edge devices, information, communication, and analytics would be useful information to ISOs/RTOs as well as their market participants regarding opportunities to extract benefits from storage and other DER assets to the mutual benefit of the ISOs/RTOs, utilities, aggregators, microgrids, and prosumers.
OATI has a long history of energy industry standards participation, implementation, and compliance. With our attendance at this conference, we remain committed to a high level of involvement as well as to monitor the proceedings, rulings, and any changes to ensure that customers are informed and supported. 
“OATI is proud to offer the participation of Dr. Ipakchi in this FERC effort and to take part in this conference,” said Dr. Sasan Mokhtari Ph.D., President and CEO of OATI. “As a leader in the industry, we understand the importance of such discussions and how meaningful conversation can assist in clarifying complex issues.”

About OATI
OATI provides innovative solutions that simplify, streamline, and empower the operational tasks required in today’s energy commerce and Smart Grid. Serving more than 2,000 customers in North America, OATI successfully deploys and hosts diverse mission-critical solutions committed to industry standards and stringent security guidelines.
OATI ( is a leading provider of Smart Grid, Energy Trading and Risk Management, Transmission Scheduling, Congestion Management, Distribution, and Market Management products and services. OATI is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with offices in California, Punjab, Telangana, and Singapore. For more information, please contact