Tri-State Embraces Automation and Achieves a Single Source of Truth

Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. (Tri-State) Energy Management department was relying on manual review of spreadsheets to predict, track, and verify their transmission ancillary service costs, and was interested in transitioning this practice to an automated system that would give them initially the ability to shadow energy imbalance bills from Balancing Authorities (BAs) and Transmission Providers (TPs) in a more timely and in depth manner.

Due to its extensive footprint, Tri-State is responsible for managing six different energy imbalance bills which creates complexity in managing meter data. Once the data have been integrated into the system, Tri-State can use that data to verify charges from providers more efficiently and accurately. The system also allows Tri-State to perform shadow settlements, giving Tri-State the ability to independently run the same calculations as its providers. This feature enables Tri-State to run its own checks and balances to verify the accuracy of provider data.

“The tool has changed our business practices,” said Mike Mason, Tri-State’s Energy Applications Manager. “Now everything is more streamlined.”

Want to learn more? Fill out the form to the right to request your copy of the Tri-State case study today.