2024 Rural Electric Cooperative Community Fund Program

One of the 7 Cooperative Principles is Concern for Community, where Rural Electric Cooperatives work for the sustainable development of the communities they serve.

In support of this mission, OATI annually allocates funding to support local charitable activities for our Rural Electric Cooperative customers that use an OATI webSmartEnergy® platform for DR and or DER Management, and or an OATI webSmartIoT™ AMIoT solution.

The OATI Rural Electric Cooperative Community Fund is now taking applications for 2024. To apply, simply complete the form, and upload a short description of the local charity of choice that you wish to nominate, why this is important to your community development efforts, and any other information that aids in understanding the value of your nominated program/organization to you. 

Apply Now

Thank you for your interest. The application period has closed. Stay tuned for further announcements.