OATI Stole the Show at DISTRIBUTECH 2023

The company’s Utility and Smart City connection in the Smart City Zone transformed DTECH

Minneapolis, MN (February 14, 2023) – The innovative Utility and City connection, as showcased at SmartDale during DISTRIBUTECH International 2023, unveiled how Open Access Technology International, Inc. (OATI) is Navigating the Energy Transition. OATI Smart Utility and Smart City demos and presentations helped to frame the conference conversations at DTECH, February 7-9, at the San Diego Convention Center.

Linda Stevens, OATI Chief Strategy Officer – Smart Grid and Smart City, kicked off the show with her keynote address about the energy transition to a new grid future. “In this new world, the boundary between transmission and distribution is blurring. The Energy Transition is the global energy shift from fossil-based to lower carbon emitting resources, and to renewable and distributed energy resources,” she stated. “Energy consumers are becoming prosumers, and decarbonization and sustainability goals as well as the declining cost of the DERs themselves are driving forces behind the transition.”

OATI speakers and technologies led conference initiatives towards a more cohesive, reliable grid future, with greater connectivity between energy transmission and distribution assets. At DTECH’s central and largest exhibition area, the Smart City Zone, OATI experts unveiled SmartDale, presenting 15-plus use-case demos of innovative Smart City solutions, supported by the OATI webSmartIoT™ Platform. With its webSmartIoT® Smart City innovations, OATI empowers community leaders and citizens to take data-driven action that enhance city operations, manage critical assets and improve the lives of residents.

OATI showcased Smart Utilities via field-proven examples of its #1-ranked webSmartEnergy® DERMS and the webSmartIot™ Platform solutions, plus a working example of a microgrid. Additional conference contributions included two Conference Track Sponsorships (“DERs for Flexibility and Resilience” and “Smart Cities”), and four additional speakers: Ali Ipakchi, Ph.D.Behnam DanaiFarrokh Albuyeh, Ph.D.Jose Medina and Matthew Kiesow speaking on various topics related to energy transition and OATI technology advancements.

OATI is the premier energy-industry solutions provider, offering the scalability, performance, and security needed to power the transitioning Grid of the Future, empowering a decarbonized and more sustainable world. “We were energized by interest from all those who came to listen to our speakers, visit our booths, see SmartDale and attend our sponsored conference track sessions,” says Dr. Sasan Mokhtari, Ph.D., OATI President and CEO. “We also welcome continued communications and collaborations with others in the industry to move the Energy Transition forward to optimal efficiencies.”

To learn more about OATI and its energy-commerce solutions, visit oati.com, or email SmartCity@oati.net.


About OATI
OATI engages with its 2,200+ industry customers to transform their operational tasks to meet the changes with decarbonization and monetize their assets. OATI successfully deploys and hosts mission-critical solutions committed to industry standards and stringent security guidelines.

OATI (www.oati.com) is the leading provider of Smart Grid, Distribution, Energy Trading and Risk Management, Transmission Scheduling, Congestion Management, and Market Management services and products. OATI is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with offices in California and India. For more information, please contact sales@oati.net.

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