City of Flora Capitalizes on Modern Metering Infrastructure with the OATI AMIoT Solution

Minneapolis, MN: April 05, 2021
OATI and the City of Flora leverage webSmartEnergy AMIoT™ to further enhance the City of Flora’s critical electric metering needs. The City of Flora utilizes AMIoT™ Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meter data to generate production grade billing data and to create a robust network that is scalable, dependable, and efficient. In addition, AMIoT™ continues to provide situational awareness, remote disconnect and reconnect, outage alerting, and other critical information.

The OATI webSmartEnergy AMIoT™ service is provided in a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, hosted within the OATI Cloud. AMIoT™ leverages the LoRaWAN standard, an open, long range wireless communications network protocol. The LoRa network can be expanded to other LoRa devices for demand response, smart city, and other use cases, all at a lower cost.

“AMIoT™ is the OATI next generation platform that empowers AMI, demand management, and Smart City functions and is accessible to every type of user,” says Dr. Sasan Mohktari, President and CEO of OATI. “The City of Flora showcases what is possible with dynamic technology.”

Brandon Helm, Lineman and AMI Project Manager for the City of Flora, says, “It has been great having real time data available while in the field, and using the remote disconnect functionality has increased efficiency by reducing the number of required trips in the field.”

The Flora AMIoT project went into production in October 2020. The City of Flora and OATI are continuing to work to replace the city’s existing 2,700 electric meters with LoRaWAN meters.  The city is about half-way through replacing their existing electric meters and hope to complete this by the end of summer 2021.

About OATI
OATI provides innovative solutions that simplify, streamline, and empower the operational tasks required in today’s energy commerce and Smart Grid. Serving more than 2,200 customers, OATI successfully deploys and hosts diverse mission-critical solutions committed to industry standards and stringent security guidelines.

OATI ( is a leading provider of Smart Grid, Energy Trading and Risk Management, Transmission Scheduling, Congestion Management, Distribution, and Market Management products and services. OATI is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information, please contact

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